Team Climbing

Team Climbing

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Wednesday, April 13, Day 10

It is very late, I am exhausted, and I need to get some sleep.

Before I drift off............................................................................................................

Sorry, I just dozed off there and now there is drool all over my keyboard.

Before, I head off to la-la land, let me recap the day. Today was PKI, which stands for "Please Keep it Interesting". Fortunately, our new instructor, Mark Cooper, did just that, and it didn't take more than fifteen minutes of his delivery for me to be impressed with his subject knowledge.

I teach PKI in my own classes, and I can tell you from experience, that there are two kinds of people in this world - those that love PKI and those that hate it. I can usually tell which camp the haters are in by their deer in the headlights stare. Normally, when I start talking public-private key pairs, these PKI challengened individuals throw their arms up in despair screaming "What the FEK, we have to learn this stuff?"

Yes Dorothy, you are not in Kansas anymore and PKI is a necessary evil, hence the day and a half that the Master's class spends on it.

Mark knows his stuff when it comes to PKI and I spent the whole day in "knowledge gap fillin' mode" as he connected all the dots for me. Cool! Now I have even more material to drive my students up the certificate wall.

Right after class, as I walked towards the coffee machine for my tenth cup, past the very elaborate lunch buffet the Lync Masters were so nicely treated to, I thought of the upcoming exams.

Our second written exam is on Saturday morning which gives me just two days to be in top shape. It's going to be tough because there is no study day like there was last week. I am beginning to think the Master's instructors actually enjoy inflicting this pain on us. Bunch of rat bast................................................

Oops, drifted off again. What was I saying? Oh yeah, me thinks Matt, Glenn, Ryan, Steve, Mike, and Mark occasionally get together for a beer and plot new ways to make Master candidates squirm. Tomorrow, I am calling Microsoft counseling services to see if there is a Sadism support group that I can refer them to.

Simply no rest for the weary.

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Herndon, Virginia, United States
IT Security Manager by day - cyber researcher by night. Tired of being a passive sheep as cyber wars rage. It is time to take the fight to the enemy - within the constraints of the law of course! I am a super fan of all things cyber security! You can find me on LinkedIn at:

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